Multi Level Marketing (MLM) involves the recruitment of agents, affiliates, franchisees and other commission based teams who become an extension to your own sales force and efforts. Some of the world’s biggest organisations are built on this model, giving them access to new markets, revenues and opportunities beyond what they could have achieved on their own. Our course will give you an overview into the concept and strategies to recruit, cultivate them into your culture and brand values and grow this new army of partners around the world.
In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.