business courses

  • Motivation is one of the most important influencing strategies a leader and manager can employ, whether driving a team or workforce or yourself. True motivation comes from within and your skill is harnessing it within yourself and for the benefit of others. Our course gives you a toolkit of proven strategies and psychological approaches and five motivational models that will help you create programs for any team or individual. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • In the age of online focused sales 2.0 as it’s called, the traditional methods of in-person sales can often be ignored or dismissed as old fashioned – particularly as people have prejudices and fears around selling. Professional selling is an art and being a good salesperson requires a high set of skills as well as personal characteristics and confidence. With our course you’ll learn the specifics of what it takes to be an effective salesperson and the steps you need to take to get there – connecting with customers, learning the motivations, meeting their needs and building loyalty through a professional process and approach. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • While online has changed everything for everyone, the principles of marketing still hold strong – communicate with your customer in the way they want. Our marketing fundamentals course will provide you with a great set of skills and basic knowledge to let you market your business online. Remember, content is king online, and that should be the focus of your efforts with this low cost route to a global market. Sign up for our course if you want your business to thrive online. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Using Media and PR (public relations) is one of the most effective ways to give your organisation or yourself profile. It covers many channels and means of communicating from personal networking to appearances at conferences or in traditional media such as print or on television. In addition is the new wave of social media that gives you more control but easy to lose your message in the noise. Our course will give you an overview of many different practical tools that give you the skillset in dealing with the media and public, both in proactive and reactive situations. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • For many in traditional in-person sales, handling client objections can be a difficult business – often what puts less hardy types off the role. Getting pushed back and turned down can seem challenging and exhausting. However, when looked at from the other side, you are usually in a positive position when clients are moving into the detail of dishing out objections. Arm yourself with a catalogue of response types and your own product or organisational features and benefits and follow a few proven techniques and you should soon be able to work with a client to bring them on side and hopefully on board. Our course will show you how sales objections is an essential part of the process and open up many new opportunities. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Learning about social media is as easy as doing it – the risk is that what you do, usually can’t be undone. Weaved into the fabric of everything we do in our professional and personal lives, understanding some of the basics and risks can be more than helpful. Our course doesn’t teach you the latest tricks and trends but instead focuses on some of the hard core facts, advantages and risks in putting yourself, your brand and your organisation online. Before you spend thousands of hours and dollars, get to know the basics – even if it’s just to be down with the kidz! In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Sales has an enigma to it – many fearing it but always in respect of good, ethical and professional salespeople. You’re not born with the skill but can evolve into a great career in sales if you possess key skills like business acumen, questioning skills, communication skills and are genuinely likeable and personable. On our course, you’ll learn both the techniques that create more opportunities but also understanding the character traits that are the key to building long lasting relationships that bring mutual benefit. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • The global workforce is changing, with positive diversity approaches, gender parity and new opportunities and support networks opening up to enable female leadership to flourish. Our course touches on some of the core points in recognising and adding value to your organisation with specific approaches, programs and support strategies and recognising the different traits in character and decision making and how they will impact your business for the better.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Wishing for more time in the day is a constant cry of most of us, both at work and home. With our course, you will be able to take ownership and control of your challenges, focus your energy and work through a series of proven project management techniques. You can establish routines, set goals and create an efficient environment using these proven tools that will get your productivity skyrocketing. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • The new generation of homeworkers and gig economy staff, are virtual employees working from home or new co-working spaces in cities all over the world. More than one billion globally work virtually. As a business you can really benefit from this army of workers and giving the individual the freedom to enjoy the advantages and benefits of flexible schedules – less commuting and saving the company money in office space. Our course will help you understand the demands of teleworking, both as an employer and employee.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Lunch and learn is an American concept which, as it sounds, offers you professional learning & development, networking whilst having the chance to eat together. A great internal tool to launch ideas or maybe a product or service or share key updates, they are usually voluntary to attend and similar to a Village Hall type event. Run informally, you have a 45 minute slot to present, give updates and get key feedback to selective issues. It can bring out great networking, collaboration and sharing best practice between employers. Learning is child’s play indeed, but for an adult it’s no longer that simple. The brain finds it harder to absorb and adapt new knowledge, thinking and patterns. It’s one of the reasons we don’t like change. But now more than ever, the business world is moving fast and to keep relevant and current, you need to constantly adapt and learn new skills. Don't get left behind. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Experiencing diversity is a part of living within a civilized society. It is our diversity and variety that help organizations to be successful and achieve their goals. Understanding the various forms of diversity makes for a better company and world in general. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device. [wc-store-catalog-pdf]
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