Health and wellbeing in the workplace has now come firmly into focus as businesses acknowledge the millions of dollars lost every year globally through sickness and stress causing absenteeism and underperformance.

Our courses give you over 100 hours of learning on these important topics, whether you’re interested for yourself or in an HR role for employees of your organisation.

With over 300 hours of professional training, sourced from the experiences of thousands of individuals and companies and compiled by our team of subject matter experts and editors, you have access to both established practice and new thinking.

You can read, listen and watch each course in your own time. There are usually around 100 questions to test your knowledge and at the end receive a certificate of achievement. If you prefer, you can also listen to the whole course or read the course book without having to take any tests.

  • Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue with potentially long term damaging effects on individuals and major implications to the organisation as many high profile media stories have shown throughout the last year. Harassment can manifest itself racially, sexually, culturally or directed at those with disabilities or physically in the form of bullying. Not only is it unpleasant, in certain cases its illegal. Our Workplace Harassment course gives you the tools to recognise harassment. It will also help you understand the rights and responsibilities in creating a safe environment for everyone. Note: This course in no way constitutes legal advice and you should refer to your local laws for full guidance.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Workplace violence is rarity but a reality that can’t be dismissed. Discrimination and harassment can lead to a hostile environment and left unchecked can escalate into violence. This course will help you recognise certain behaviours and identify warning signs and tendencies in violent individuals and lower the risk of escalating a situation. It will also provide a toolkit of response mechanisms.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Anger can be a very damaging condition in anyone’s life, particularly if left to escalate and untreated. It can affect your work, personal life and relationships and have devastating consequences, even resulting in criminal prosecution and a legacy that will stay with you for years. While anger is a normal reaction that everyone experiences, it’s how you identify it, manage it in an effective way, turning that energy to positive effect. This course will give you a constructive approach and tools to identify triggers and coping strategies when you get angry. Note: This course is not intended as a replacement for professional help and guidance. Professional help should always be sought, especially if there is risk to a person and those around them. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • The health and wellness of all staff should be a key priority for any successful and values led business. Your organisation should be contributing to the overall happiness and wellbeing of all who work for you. With our course, you will be able to look at common issues of health and preventative care through to workplace conflict and stress. Health and wellbeing of staff is the responsibility of the whole company so take it seriously. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • In this day and age of always on devices and work caused through increased connectivity, demands and pressures of either your own business or a ever demanding job, creating balance is harder than ever. Our Work-Life Balance course will help you manage your time more efficiently in order to produce more from less time. It will help you focus on priorities, set accurate goals and communicate better and generally help give you some of your life back. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Emotional Intelligence or EQ (Emotional Quotient) is one of the fundamental skills of adult and working life, at the heart of self-awareness and self-management. Your ability to react, your motivation and overall behaviour, both personally and professionally, are governed by your EQ levels and it is an area of growth every adult should have as part of their personal development. If it’s your first time exploring this concept, our course will give you an understanding of its power and how harnessing your Emotional Intelligence will give you more control over your actions and emotions, impacting you positive in every facet of your life. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Anxiety and stress in the workplace can be one of the leading causes of sickness, absence and under performance It can hit anyone and be pernicious and destructive if not dealt with and managed. Our course on managing anxiety will give key resources and skills to help identify its symptoms and manage it when it hits you or anyone in your teams. You will be better suited to coping with these very common situations. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Self-confidence is something everybody struggles with, no matter who they are or what they tell you. If they don’t, then they’re probably delusional as well. It is entirely normal to have moments where you lack vision, don’t feel adequate and don’t know how to see or express your self-worth, especially when communicating with others and asserting yourself. Our course will give you an understanding of what assertiveness and self-confidence mean and how to harness those feelings in your day to day life. These skills will encompass many elements of your professional and personal life and bring many opportunities and benefits. Just give it a go! In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Social intelligence is all about understanding your environment and those around you in order to make a positive impact and influence on people and situations. Develop your confidence levels in any situation, interpret seemingly invisible clues to what’s working and make positive connections during every interaction. Our course will benefit you in all walks of life and will really help your people skills through the use of tools such as active listening, understanding body language and refining your empathy. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Stress is something in most of our lives in varying scales in both negative and positive form. It’s a natural response in the back of our crocodile brain that helps us deal with immediate risk and danger but when left unmanaged and untreated can lead to chronic problems that affect your mental and physical health. Our course will give you a toolkit of strategies and mechanisms for recognising and dealing with stress, along with a look at lifestyle elements to keep you in the driving seat. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • While it may sound like an odd name for a course, studies have proven that increasing and maintaining personal happiness and contentment in the workplace has a powerful and positive effect to the bottom line. The reverse is equally true – only more damaging. Our course is designed for individuals, managers and teams to adopt a few simple rules that help alleviate and avoid stress, focus on the day and derive unexpected pleasures from everyday situations. It will equip them to improve their planning, productivity and communication and help lessen absence and conflict. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
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