business courses

  • Harassment in the workplace is a serious issue with potentially long term damaging effects on individuals and major implications to the organisation as many high profile media stories have shown throughout the last year. Harassment can manifest itself racially, sexually, culturally or directed at those with disabilities or physically in the form of bullying. Not only is it unpleasant, in certain cases its illegal. Our Workplace Harassment course gives you the tools to recognise harassment. It will also help you understand the rights and responsibilities in creating a safe environment for everyone. Note: This course in no way constitutes legal advice and you should refer to your local laws for full guidance.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Workplace violence is rarity but a reality that can’t be dismissed. Discrimination and harassment can lead to a hostile environment and left unchecked can escalate into violence. This course will help you recognise certain behaviours and identify warning signs and tendencies in violent individuals and lower the risk of escalating a situation. It will also provide a toolkit of response mechanisms.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Chemistry is the essential but elusive constituent of any successful team, whether in business or in sport. Individual skill is what each person brings but chemistry is what brings them together and focused on achieving a goal through a sense of unity. With our Team building Through Chemistry course you will discover the specifics of how building chemistry through connections and shared purpose will utilise each other’s strengths.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Teamwork and being part of a functional team is a normal part of everyday business and corporate life. Strong teams benefit every organisation and allow members to elevate their results and career. As a manager, you will be at the heart of driving this success. Through our course you will be encouraged to explore the different concepts of what makes a great team, factors in building a team and activities that build cohesion and stimulate interaction and growth and bonding.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Leadership through influence is as much an art as it is a skill. While they say some leaders are born and not made, many circumstances can drive someone to take the lead, perhaps even in adversity, discovering abilities they never knew they had. Once you learn the techniques of leadership and influence and add your own authenticity, it will be easy to build the confidence to take to lead. The more experience you have in acting as a leader, the easier it becomes.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • What is self leadership? When you’re an experienced leader, you focus all your time and energy on the direction of others and events. How do you lead, coach and motivate yourself thereby ensuring you’re doing the right thing for others? With our Self Leadership course, you will discover the specifics of how to evolve into a higher state of leadership through strength and wisdom.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Supervising others is the first stage on a management career. Between managing your own time, project and objectives, helping team members solve problems and supporting peers, the week soon disappears. With our Supervising Others course, you can learn to maximise your efficiency, develop management skills such as delegation, time management and setting both goals and expectations, resolving conflict and disciplining staff.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Being more likeable is always a desirable quality. Managing that whilst managing others is a hard balance between being liked and respected, particularly as an authority figure that has to sometimes handle difficult conversations to the people who like and support you. This course will show how honesty, integrity, authenticity and trust will be the biggest tools to foster better relationships with teams and staff. Learning to avoid micromanagement, trust and empower others, accept feedback and delegate will all improve your manager scores.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Coaching and mentoring a colleague can be an extremely rewarding two way experience. As well as imparting knowledge, experience and wisdom you can receive a great deal from the diversity of new ways of thinking that can evolve and change your own way of thinking. Coaching goes beyond imparting information about a role but adding wisdom and value to an individual’s work and sometimes personal life. It can be an intimate bond of sharing and exchange. Our Coaching and Mentoring course gives a good introduction and overview into how to develop an individual towards high performance.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Managing managers in your leadership team is the same as managing any direct reports. As you move up the career ladder, the responsibility increases but the same principles apply. It is critical to provide guidance, support and empower individuals as the stakes are usually higher. With our course you will be able to develop the managers and emerging talent around and close to you. As every manager knows, learning never stops.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Middle Management is by far the largest tier of leadership in most organisations. They are generally department heads, responsible for key functions and project that keep the company progressing. They are usually the most burdened and loyal at the same time but unable to grow due to the myopia of their role or function. Businesses must focus on this key layer of management and allow them to understand their role in the organisation and opportunities ahead of them. Our course provides an essential toolkit of practical advice and principles to grow these young and driven manager.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Recruiting Millennials has become a specific area of expertise as the new age and more technically skilled, savvy and demanding new hire has more choice open to them. Our on-boarding millennials course will take you through the differences in the new workforce and how to handle their arrival, welcome and integration into the business. On-boarding employees is a secure investment that will pay dividends in getting the right cultural fit, developing skills and knowledge and value to your company.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Talent Management in a company will pay great dividends on investment but requires special effort and attention. The leaders of the world’s greatest companies will always tell you that their people are their greatest asset. With a strong talent management programme you are developing a more skilled and loyal workforce and attracting more skilled new hires, which is particularly challenging when recruiting millennials. Our Talent Management course will give insights and guidance on how the world’s best companies are running their programmes, which can also provide you with the same long term growth and stability.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • How to Develop New Managers is a course that will help you identify prospective managers early in the management track, helping the company overall with its long term success and succession planning. Becoming a new manager is a major step for an individual and supporting them is key. Our course will help outline the best practices and share knowledge in showing how to develop well rounded, balanced and confident managers who can fit your organisation’s cultural values and grow with you for the long term.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Corporate Behaviour and Corporate Social Responsibility have become a major factor in the success or failure of many companies – whether small or global conglomerates. In the age of mass media and social media distribution all seen the stories of organisations having to spend millions on repairing reputational and brand damage because they didn’t have the right set of values and staff training in place. Our Developing Corporate Behaviour course helps use best practice to articulate your core values, train employees and equip everyone to better deal with incidents.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Crisis Management is as important an approach as financial and personnel management. Having a clear and effective programme in place can mean the success or failure of a company for the long term as well as affecting profitability and reputation. You should have a plan in place to identify and assess risk, respond accordingly and have disaster recovery ready. Our course focuses on crisis management within your company and will help you recognise the warning signs, help avoid such situations and develop skills to manage it.

    Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours.

    In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Want to tell is someone’s telling the truth just by looking at their facial expressions and body position? Want to know when you have an advantage in a sales or negotiation situation or when to back off? Through the use of body language, you can pick up on patterns of small signs that could give you the edge in everything you do. Our body language basics course is an introduction and overview on some of the techniques to understand the unspoken language that makes up over 70% of all communication. It will also help you underastand your own body language and how it’s been seen and perceived, even at a subconscious level and how to adjust and improve the way you connect through non-verbal communication. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Administrative office procedures may not be glamorous, but they are essential to the success of any enterprise. A well run office reduces miscommunications and helps to eliminate common errors. By making the administrative office a priority, you will establish clear policies and procedures with employee understanding and buy-in, which ensures that your work environment runs smoothly. On our course, you will understand how an Administrative Office Procedure binder demonstrates professionalism and efficiency in an organization or office setting. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • In our How to Learn New Skills course for adults, you’ll look at the principles behind what educators know as Bloom’s Taxomony, which looks at four types of knowledge we acquire and the models and ways we can hone our ability to comprehend, learn, remember and recall. Learning is child’s play indeed, but for an adult it’s no longer that simple. The brain finds it harder to absorb and adapt new knowledge, thinking and patterns. It’s one of the reasons we don’t like change. But now more than ever, the business world is moving fast and to keep relevant and current, you need to constantly adapt and learn new skills. Don't get left behind. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Anger can be a very damaging condition in anyone’s life, particularly if left to escalate and untreated. It can affect your work, personal life and relationships and have devastating consequences, even resulting in criminal prosecution and a legacy that will stay with you for years. While anger is a normal reaction that everyone experiences, it’s how you identify it, manage it in an effective way, turning that energy to positive effect. This course will give you a constructive approach and tools to identify triggers and coping strategies when you get angry. Note: This course is not intended as a replacement for professional help and guidance. Professional help should always be sought, especially if there is risk to a person and those around them. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Appreciative Inquiry is form of positive questioning that can give a new perspective on problem solving and solution gathering. Using a new set of tools and skills, it can strengthen relationships, improve your thinking and transform the culture through the use of positive approaches, mindfulness and controlling negative situations. With our course, you will learn the new approach in how to invoke good practice. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Correct records keeping will not only offer liability protection; it will also increase efficiency and productivity. To put it simply, maintaining records and archives will improve the overall financial and business performance, particularly in this digital age. On our course, you'll get an overview and learn how to classify records, define and maintain different systems, and develop a keen understanding of the importance of records management. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • In this day and age of multiple distractions, the average person can have between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts in a 24 hours day – whether awake or asleep. And in the age of multiple distractions and devices, it’s no wonder that attention and focus are at constant risk of depletion – it could be argued we are all facing some degree of ADHD. It can affect your work, your relationships and progress. Our course will give valuable insight, tools and strategies to help you be more attentive, vigiliant and focused in your daily life to achieve the goals you want. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Workplace conduct is an issue that costs industry millions each year through conflict, dispute, arguing and even violence between staff. This course focuses on the core issue of civility and respect amongst and towards fellow staff and how to ensure a positive, polite and respectful environment exists for all. This course looks at the typical cause and effect and the skills needed by management to effectively ensure that civility is systemic throughout an organisation. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Webinars are a highly effective and low-cost way to deliver targeted content to a large audience. Whether it’s product information and training to staff, agents and partners situated globally or marketing to highly targeted audiences, they provide a live or on-demand way for audiences to connect from around the globe at any time. Our course will give you guidance on putting together and facilitating a great experience for your audience, look at key presentation skills and ways to engage the audience fully. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Delivering constructive criticism is one of the difficult conversations that make up some of the toughest challenges you face in a leadership role. If done correctly, it can deliver many benefits to your organisation and the individual. It has to be planned, managed and delivered in a certain way so as to avoid long term negative outcomes and bring the individual along with you. Our course will help you deliver effective feedback to demonstrate that management cares about an individual  and will invest time and effort into their career development. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Being a personal or executive assistant is a key and unique position requiring a great deal of professional and personal skills. From management and organisational skills to meticulous planning, you also need discretion, confidentiality and sensitivity and being an effective gatekeeper. Our course gives you an overview of the tools you need and what it takes to become a successful assistant. Study our course in the way you want. In small units or in one. Synchronise your learning between any device and remember and track your progress. Study and answer questions at your convenience and at the end of the course, if you answer more than 80% of the questions correctly, qualify for a certificate of achievement. You can even log your CPD hours. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • The health and wellness of all staff should be a key priority for any successful and values led business. Your organisation should be contributing to the overall happiness and wellbeing of all who work for you. With our course, you will be able to look at common issues of health and preventative care through to workplace conflict and stress. Health and wellbeing of staff is the responsibility of the whole company so take it seriously. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • For any working professional, meetings are probably one of their biggest complaints - along with report writing. Even a simple one-hour team meeting that is poorly planned could cost a company one or two working days in lost productivity and leave a negative taste with staff. However, when done well with objectives, outcomes and a structured plan that is properly managed and facilitated, a meeting or workshop can be one of the most productive tools a business can have at its disposal. Giving the chance for multiple points of view, experience but all coming together for an understood and known purpose. Our course will explore how to reduce time wasting, give meetings purpose and focus through planning and leading techniques that will engage attendees and leave a lasting impression. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Whether you’re training full-time professionally or running as part of your role, being prepared and forward planning is essential for successful training and education. Our course will provide you the skills to help deliver engaging and compelling workshops. These are areas such as facilitation, handling difficult groups and topics and giving the development that trainees need to excel in their own skills base. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • In this day and age of always on devices and work caused through increased connectivity, demands and pressures of either your own business or a ever demanding job, creating balance is harder than ever. Our Work-Life Balance course will help you manage your time more efficiently in order to produce more from less time. It will help you focus on priorities, set accurate goals and communicate better and generally help give you some of your life back. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Critical Thinking skills provide you with a different way to look at issues and problems. By applying a combination of logic, reasoning and open mindedness you can approach things in an entirely new way and surface new answers and solutions. Our course has a collection of tools and strategies, most of which you will already possess, to help you hone the skills to evaluation, identify and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information, improve your overall performance and ensure you maximise your chances of productive decision making in key situations. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Office politics are the essence of our own real life reality shows. People are social and interactive and inevitably will get on and fall out. As a manager, your trick is to keep people focused and positive and avoid negative clique building and pernicious behaviours that can harm and damage people and productivity and even lead to job losses and effects on the business. Our course will give guidance on handling and preventing situation, the classic office personalities and strategies to keep people focused and positive. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.  
  • Personal branding is underrated yet a very powerful tool you can develop. It helps you identify your strengths, characteristics and skills as an individual. Understanding what you are, what you aren’t and what you aspire to be will help give focus and help you define yourself at a personal and professional level with a degree of authenticity. In this course you can use the toolkit of skills to help define you, teach you how to control and develop that image you purvey and help you manage the brand of you – in person, online, during a crisis and even in how you dress and project yourself. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.  
  • Workplace safety, as well as being governed by statute, is a moral obligation for all businesses to ensure that everyone who works for you can be sure they are coming to an environment that isn’t harmful and damaging. Our course helps you review common hazards and safety measures that will give you the tools to create policy that goes beyond minimum legal requirement and helps you anticipate hazards, prevent injury and attack and keep employees wellbeing at the centre of your business. Note: This course does not replace advice and compliance planning you should make in order to meet your local and national legal requirements. You should always check directly with the government or other department for your legal requirements. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
  • Social media’s impacts and power on all aspects of life need no explanation. It’s become a way of life, changed habits and is the way people communicate in what can be a potentially addictive and pernicious way. Our course looks at how to handle its existence in the workplace through instruments like policy documents, along with education on social etiquette and the pitfalls and benefits of it as a channel. In all our business courses, you get access to around six hours of e-learning that you can watch, listen and read. There are usually 100 questions and at the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion that you can use against any personal or professional development requirements. As well as the course, you also receive a FREE e-book that you can read on your Kindle or other e-reader. You also get a FREE audiobook of the course so you can listen to the whole course uninterrupted on your device.
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